Mr Fit - Rise Above Rest

Certified Coach | Online Weight Loss Courses | Online Muscle Building Courses

About Mr Fit - Group
  1. International certified trainers.
  2. Leads a team of 10 experienced personal trainers.
  3. Over 8 years of experience in the fitness industry.
  4. Helped 1,000+ clients achieve their fitness goals.
  5. Specializes in fat loss, strength, and conditioning.
  6. Provides personalized workout and nutrition plans tailored to individual needs.
  7. Expertise in creating sustainable, long-term fitness habits.
  8. Focuses on holistic health, including mental well-being and physical fitness.
  9. Utilizes the latest fitness technology and techniques to optimize results.
  10. Dedicated to empowering clients to rise above the rest and reach their full potential.

Certified Coach | Online Weight Loss Courses | Online Muscle Building Courses

1:1 Training
1-1 Personal Training Fat to Fit Transformation 5weeks
1-1 Personal Training Fat to Fit Transformation 5weeks
₹ 3999

Offer packs
1-1 Lean Muscle Building - 4 Weeks
1-1 Lean Muscle Building - 4 Weeks
₹ 4000

Why Choose Us?

Accredited trainers

Certified Personal Trainers & Nutritionists with years of experience in Fat loss, Strength, and Conditioning.

We make it SIMPLE

Whatever be your fitness goal, MrFit team will make the process simple for you

24/7 Chat Support

Resolve all your doubts by availing our online support.

Our Statistics

Transformations Done
Years of Experience
on Social Media
Mentors & Trainers
Our Transformations !